
Love Lost

I let love go
Flew onto a windowsill
A whispered thought its wings
Not knowing where to soar
Grooming tattered feathers, it cooed at me
Tilted its head to get a better look
One last take of me
For love was never certain who I was
While the wind coaxes its departure
As it drifts upwards
Out above the world
Toward other hearts More certain

In e†ernity,
Brazillia R. Kreep

The Sadness

Sadness came to visit
Nestle in my chest
Whispered things t’taunt deep demons
Who played heartstrings with revenge
T’hear such notes, tears t’steep
O’ thy sullen eyes
Sadness knew
What sadness can
Thus told me t’beware
Sadness would return someday
If I didn’t heed
Melodies of madness
Such shattered hearts discern

In e†ernity,
Brazillia R. Kreep