
The Kreep pens ode to Lovecraft

O’ Poverty thy wicked Cthulhu

O’ poverty thy wicked Cthulhu
Enchained a mind in coiled darkness
T’refute remarks n’ ruminations
In poetry n’ verse thus pending
As well quick a scribe’s bereavement
Malevolent feat indeed undone our author

O’ scarcity thy heinous Cthulhu
Threadbare wellbeing, better despair
Crush thy creator well your weight
Rip innards whilst no riches dwell
Curse the life obscurity n’ unaided
Lovecraft’s passing reaps return

O’ paucity thy odious Cthulhu
Neither headstone nor words printed
Nix bed t’sleep in restful slumber
Destitute the fate of Poe
Gone the extraterrestrial mythos
Vanished here forever more

In E†ernity,

Brazillia R. Kreep

Cthulhu (kÉ™-THOO-loo) is a fictional cosmic entity created by horror author H. P. Lovecraft in 1926, first appearing in the short story "The Call of Cthulhu" when it was published in Weird Tales in 1928.


> Kreep's Korner